Thousands of Boy and Girl Scouts of every age and their leaders have enjoyed the Astronomy Delight! experience at den and troop meetings, camps, council functions and events!
Astronomy Delight! Loves Scouts Because...
Did you know that scouts have been at the forefront in the fight against the proliferation of light pollution throughout the world! and Astronomy Delight! is committed to helping assist them in their mission as light pollution not only destroys the natural beauty of the night sky for everyone, but severely impacts nature, wildlife, community security, and costs the taxpayers over 2.5 BILLION DOLLARS a year in wasted energy!
Whether learning constellation folklore, listening to informative discussions of light pollution's effect on nature and society, participating in day and nighttime telescopic observation of wonders of the universe, or learning about the celestial navigation methods of the ancients while participating in our educationally recognized program *“Thinking Pizza”,
Interest ALWAYS abounds while scouts earn their astronomy badges!
COME AND JOIN THE FUN!Astronomy Delight!™ Helping Inspire the leaders of tomorrow!
*"Thinking Pizza" A fun and easy hands-on group project where scouts build an actual instrument used by the ancient mariners and even modern day astronauts to navigate the seas and cosmos, while learning some VERY practical and important lifesaving and locating techniques used by rescue workers and the military! Great fun for those den and troop meetings where pizza is the party fare! Community awareness projects for dens, troops and entire councils are always introduced! Thank you! Scouts and Leaders everywhere in your continuing efforts to combat the proliferation of LIGHT POLLUTION! You ARE making a difference while saving money and protecting wildlife and our communities!