Whether a spiritual based educational experience or as a public school academic alternative,
Astronomy Delight! strongly believes in the necessity of the concept of
home school education in today’s world!
We custom design programs and curriculum to incorporate requirements and beliefs needed to satisfy a variety of parent and student needs, while emphasizing the magnificence and the wonders of the universe and our place within it. Astronomy Delight! is totally and unequivocally committed to helping those dedicated, creative, and innovative parents who provide the home school educational experience to their children. We have personally witnessed the benefits of home school education by the numerous highly inquisitive, well behaved, and educationally-focused home schooled students and their parents who have participated in our many courses and offerings. That’s why we offer special discounted group rates for our lectures, courses, and tutorial services, and we work in conjunction with you to help coordinate your group participation to allow maximum participation of those interested by offering variable dates and sessions.
We provide an extensive variety of programs, day and nighttime seasonal observational courses, total educational immersion programs, and on-going tutorial services.
Whether a small group of inquisitive students of any age, or a combined offering of several home school associations and parent mentors, Astronomy Delight! is key to your success!