Could your group be getting tired of the guest speaker always talking financial planning, or of the importance of life insurance for your party type relatives after you are dead? Perhaps even the member with the 10,000 slides of his recent trip to Borneo, or the speaker who informs people about the health risks of being alive has weakened the spirit and enthusiasm of the members of your organization? Maybe declining meeting attendance really is your fault! Take heart Mr./Ms. under-appreciated entertainment volunteer and fire up your club or organization with something...
Really Unique and Interesting!
Space the Final Frontier of the Imagination!
Astronomy Delight! provides informative and entertaining talks and lectures to clubs and organizations of every kind. Telescope advice, Hubble space telescope slide shows, funny experiments designed to have the participants rolling with laughter, and even day and night observing sessions are sure to generate renewed interest and attendance!
We even help you to publicize your event!