Imagine the interest a large telescope viewing the craters on the moon, the rings of Saturn, or sunspots might generate? How about that seeing that bug on the license plate at the end of the football field, or even the speck on Mr. Smith's nose at a mile?
Discounts always apply to:
Educational Related Organizations, (PTA, Student Government, Scholarship Clubs Etc.)
Hospitals and Organizations
Whose SOLE purpose is to serve handicapped or individuals with special needs
Veterans Organizations
For scholarships, widow and orphan funds, rehabilitation programs, and groups and individuals in support of active duty personnel engaged in fighting the global war on terrorism!
Along with
Astronomy Delight! Approved Organizations and Charities! Such as Salvation Army, Make a Wish, Etc., special commercial enterprises, people or institutions who promote the science of astronomy, related sciences, and who are committed to better education, or people and institutions who devote their time to the needs of children, or are committed to alleviating the intensifying problem of light pollution and the destruction of the earth's beauty and natural resources.